# # {{@@ header() @@}} # # Use vim as editor on X VISUAL='vim' export VISUAL # Use vim as standard editor EDITOR='vim' export EDITOR {%@@ if profile == 'WVDEWOBMC001307' or profile == 'susanoo.local' @@%} [[ $(command -v /opt/homebrew/bin/brew) ]] && eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" # Added by Toolbox App export PATH="$PATH:{{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts" {%@@ endif @@%} {%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' @@%} # Set DOTNET_ROOT enviroment variable DOTNET_ROOT=/opt/dotnet export DOTNET_ROOT {%@@ endif @@%} {%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} # Set XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME="{{@@ env['HOME'] @@}}/.config" export XDG_CONFIG_HOME {%@@ endif @@%} {%@@ if profile == 'AINCRAD-wsl' or profile == 'AINCRAD' or profile == 'YOETUNHEIMR-wsl' or profile == 'yoetunheimr' or profile == 'ymir' @@%} # Run VPN-Kit alpine VM to route traffic through Windows and if connected through VPNs wsl.exe -d wsl-vpnkit service wsl-vpnkit start {%@@ endif @@%}